We are Ann and John Miesen who share a passion to sell these beautiful handcrafted items made in Bethlehem by Christian friends of ours. Because of the recent political, religious and economic turmoil, tourism has declined terribly. Many are now finding it hard to provide for themselves and their families. We are honored to support the Bethlehem artisans by partnering to sell these beautiful handcrafted Olivewood Art, which has provided inspiration to Christians for many years. It is with great pleasure that we bring these magnificent works of art here. We are certain they will find a special place in your heart as they have in ours.
Every Olive Tree is sacred. Out of respect for the "Tree of Life", the farmers in the Holy Land protect and respect their trees. The farmers take special care not to damage the trees. They use hand saws to prune the trees. The smoke from diesel or hand saws may affect the taste of the olives or olive oil. Only the prunings of the tree are used for the carving. The tree is not destroyed when making these faith-inspiring items.
Our Mission
We are helping to support several Christian Families who live in Bethlehem. Less than 2% of all people in Bethlehem are Christian. By purchasing Olivewood from Christian families, we are helping to provide for their immediate needs and extended family needs. One of the many benefits of this mission is the beautiful friendships we have developed with our artists. They are truly grateful for this avenue that leads so many to appreciate their talent and inspire many in their walk with Christ through these Olivewood Masterpieces. This mission has been a blessing from God! We have been encouraged by many incredibly good people and touched by many heartfelt testimonies. Our wish for you is that you share our Artists spirit of Hope and Peace.

Our Prayer
Our wish and prayer is that you also pray for the persecuted in the Holy Land. We ask for continued prayers for all the inhabitants of the Holy Land so that Peace will be achieved and the way for reconciliation be opened.